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Brigade Docs

Brigade: Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.

The Brigade.js API

The Brigade.js API

This document describes the public APIs typically used for writing Brigade.js. It does not describe internal libraries, nor does it list non-public methods and properties on these objects.

An Brigade JavaScript file is executed inside of a cluster. It runs inside of a Node.js-like environment (with a few libraries blocked for security reasons). It uses Node 8.

High-level Concepts

An Brigade JS file is always associated with a project. A project defines contextual information, and also dictates the security parameters under which the script will execute.

A project may associate the script to a repository, where a repository is typically a VCS reference (e.g. a git repository). Each job will, by default, have access to the project’s repository.

Brigade files respond to events. That is, Brigade scripts are typically composed of one or more event handlers. When the Brigade environment triggers an event, the associated event handler will be called.

The brigadier Library

The main library for Brigade is called brigadier. The Brigade runtime grants access to this library. The source code for this library is located in brigadecore/brigadier.

const brigadier = require('brigadier')

It is considered idiomatic to destructure the library on import:

const { events, Job, Group } = require('brigadier')

Some objects described in this document are not declared in brigadier, but are exposed via brigadier.

The BrigadeEvent class

The BrigadeEvent class describes an event. Typically, it is exposed to the script via a callback handler.

events.on("pull", (brigadeEvent, project) => {})

An instance of an BrigadeEvent has the following properties:

  • buildID: string: The unique ID for the build. This will change for each build.
  • type: string: The event type (push, exec, pull_request).
  • provider: string: The name of the thing that triggered this event.
  • revision: Revision: The revision details, if supplied, of the underlying VCS system.
  • payload: string: Arbitrary data supplied by an event emitter. Each event emitter will describe its own payload. For example, the GitHub gateway emits events that contain GitHub’s webhook objects.
  • cause: Cause: If one event triggers another event, the causal chain is passed through the cause property

The revision object

The revision object has the following properties:

  • commit: string: The commit ID, if supplied, for the underlying VCS system. When this is supplied, each Job will have access to the VCS at this revision.
  • ref: string: The symbolic ref name. (e.g refs/heads/master)

If the revision object is not provided, it may be interpreted as master, or the head of the main branch. The default value is not guaranteed to be master in future versions.

The Cause class

A Cause is attached to an BrigadeEvent, and describes the event that caused this event. It has the following properties:

  • event: BrigadeEvent: The causing event
  • reason: any: The reason this event was caused. Typically this is an error object.
  • trigger: string: The mechanism that triggered this event (e.g. “unhandled exception”)

The after and error built-in events will set a Cause on their BrigadeEvent objects.

The events Object

Within brigadier, the events object provides access to the main event handler.

events.on(eventName: string, callback: (e: BrigadeEvent, p: Project) => {})

The events.on() function is the way event handlers are registered. An on() method takes two arguments: the name of the event and the callback that will be executed when the named event fires.

events.on("push", (e, p) => {

events.has(eventName: string): boolean

events.has is used to see if an event handler was registered already.

The Group class

The Group class provides both static methods and object methods for working with groups.

The static runAll(Job[]): Promise<Result[]> method

The runAll method runs all jobs in parallel, and returns a Promise that waits until all jobs are done and then returns the collected results.

This is useful for running a batch of jobs in parallel, but waiting until they are complete before continuing with another operation.

The static runEach(Job[]): Promise<Result[]> method

This runs each of the given jobs in sequence, blocking on each job until it is complete. The Promise will return the collected results.

The new Group(Job[]): Group constructor

Create a new Group and optionally pass it some jobs.

The add(Job...) method

Adds one or more Job objects to the group.

The length(): number method

Return how many jobs are in the group.

The runAll(): Promise<Result[]> method

Runs all of the jobs in the group in parallel. When the Promise resolves, it will wrap all of the results.

Functionally, this is equivalent to the static runAll method.

The runEach method

Runs each of the jobs in sequence (synchronously). When the Promise resolves, it will wrap all of the results.

Functionally, this is equivalent to the static runEach method.

The Job class

The Job class describes a job that can be run.

constructor new Job(name: string, image?: string, tasks?: string[], imageForcePull?: boolean): Job

The constructor requires a name parameter, and this must be unique within your script. It must be composed of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and -. Additionally, the - cannot be the first or last character, and the name must be at least two characters.

Optionally, you may specify the container image (e.g. node:8, alpine:3.4). The container image must be fetchable by the runtime (Kubernetes). If no container is specified here or with Job.image, a default image will be loaded.

Optionally, you may specify a list of tasks to be run inside of the container. If no tasks are specified here or with Job.tasks, the container will be run with its defaults.

These two are equivalent:

var one = new Job("one");
one.image = "alpine:3.4";
one.tasks = ["echo hello"];

var two = new Job("two", "alpine:3.4", ["echo hello"]);

Properties of Job

  • name: string: The job name
  • shell: string: The shell in which to execute the tasks (/bin/sh)
  • tasks: string[]: Tasks to be run in the job, in order. Tasks are concatenated together and, by default, packaged as a Bourne (/bin/sh) shell script with set -e. If the Bourne Again Shell is used (/bin/bash), set -eo pipefail will be used.
  • args: string[]: Arguments to pass to the container’s entrypoint. It is recommended, though not required, that implementors not use both args and tasks.
  • imageForcePull: boolean: Defines the container image pull policy: Always if true or IfNotPresent if false (defaults to false).
  • env: {[key: string]:string}: Name/value pairs of environment variables.
  • image: string: The container image to run
  • imagePullSecrets: string[]: The names of the pull secrets (for pulling images from a secure remote repository)
  • mountPath: string: The path where any resources should be mounted (e.g. where a Git repository will be cloned) (defaults to /src)
  • timeout: number: Time to wait, in milliseconds, before the job is marked “failed”
  • useSource: bool: If false, no external resource will be loaded (e.g. no git clone will be performed)
  • privileged: bool: If this is true, the job will be executed in privileged mode, which allows it to do things like access a Docker socket. EXPERTS ONLY.
  • host: JobHost: Preferences for the host that runs the job.
  • cache: JobCache: Preferences for the job’s cache
  • storage: JobStorage: Preferences for the way this job attaches to the build storage
  • docker: JobDockerMount: Preferences for mounting a Docker socket
  • serviceAccount: string: The name of the service account to use (if you need to override the default).
  • annotations: {[key: string]:string}: Name/value pairs of annotations to add to the job’s pod
  • resourceRequests: JobResourceRequest: CPU and memory request resources for the job pod container.
  • resourceLimits: JobResourceLimit: CPU and memory limit resources for the job pod container.
  • streamLogs: boolean: controls whether logs from the job Pod will be streamed to output (similar functionality to kubectl logs PODNAME -f).
  • volumes: kubernetes.V1Volume[]: list of Kubernetes volumes to be attached to the job pod specification. See the Kubernetes type definition
  • volumeMounts: kubernetes.V1VolumeMount[]: list of Kubernetes volume mounts to be attached to all containers in the job pod specification. See the Kubernetes type definition

Setting execution resources to a job

For some jobs is a good practice to set limits and guarantee some resources. In the following example job pod container resource requests and limits are set.

var job = new Job("huge-job");

// Our job uses a lot of resources, we set huge requests but set safe memory limits:
job.resourceRequests.memory = "2Gi";
job.resourceRequests.cpu = "500m";
job.resourceLimits.memory = "3Gi";
job.resourceLimits.cpu = "1";

All are optional, for example you could set only resourceLimits.memory = 3Gi).

The job.podName() method

This returns the name of the pod that was started during It will return an empty string before run() is called.

The Promise<Result> method

Run the job, returning a Promise that returns when the job is complete.

The JobCache class

A JobCache object provides preferences for a job’s usage of a cache.

Caches are disabled by default.


  • enabled: boolean: If true, the cache is turned on for this job.
  • size: string: The size, defaults to 5Mi. This value is only evaluated the first time a job is cached. To resize, the cache must be destroyed manually.
  • path: string: A read-only attribute returning path (in the container) in which the cache is available.

The JobDockerMount class

The JobDockerMount controls whether, and how, a Docker socket is mounted to the job. Docker sockets are used for building Docker images. Because they mount to the host, using a Docker socket is considered dangerous. Thus, to use the Docker mount, the job must be put into privileged mode.


  • enabled: boolean: If true, the Docker socket will be mounted to the pod

The JobHost class

A JobHost object provides preferences for the host upon which the job is executed.

  • os: string: The name of the OS upon which the job should be run (linux, windows). Not all clusters support all OSes.
  • name: string: The name of the host (node) upon which the job will run. This is highly system dependent.
  • nodeSelector: Map<string, string>: Labels which are used as selectors when choosing a node on which to run this job. In the following example job nodeSelector is set.
var job = new Job("job-on-specific-group-of-nodes");

// We want to schedule job pod on a specific group of nodes:'nodegroup', 'brigade-node');

The JobStorage class

  • enabled: boolean: If set to true, the Job will mount the build storage. Build storage exposes a mounted volume at /mnt/brigade/share with storage that can be shared across jobs.
  • path: string: The read-only path to the shared storage from within the container.

The KubernetesConfig class

A KubernetesConfig object has the following properties:

  • namespace: string: The namespace in which Kubernetes objects are created.
  • vcsSidecar: string: The name of the sidecar image that fetches the repository. By default, this is the Git sidecar that fetches git repositories.
  • buildStorageSize: string: The size of the build shared storage space used by the build jobs.

The Result class

This wraps the result of a Job run.

The toString(): string method

This returns the result as a string.

The Project class


  • id: string: The unique ID of the project
  • name: string: The project name, typically org/name.
  • kubernetes: KubernetesConfig: The object describing this project’s Kubernetes settings
  • repo: Repository: Information on the upstream repository (if available).
  • secrets: {[key: string]: string}: Key/value pairs of secret name and secret value. The security model may limit access to this property or its values.

Secrets (project.secrets) are passed from the project configuration into a Kubernetes Secret, then injected into Brigade.

So helm install brigade-project --set will add foo: bar to project.secrets.

The Event object

The Event object describes an event.


  • type: The event type (e.g. push)
  • provider: The entity that caused the event (github)
  • revision: The Revision object containing details for the commit that this script should operate on.
  • payload: The object received from the event trigger. For GitHub requests, its the data we get from GitHub.

The Job object

To create a new job:

j = new Job(name);


  • A job name (alpha-numeric characters plus dashes).


  • name: The name of the job
  • image: A Docker image with optional tag.
  • tasks: An array of commands to run for this job
  • shell: The terminal emulator that job tasks will be executed under. By default, this is /bin/sh
  • env: Key/value pairs or Kubernetes value references that will be injected into the environment.
    • If supplying key/value, the key is the variable name (MY_VAR), and the value is the string value (foo)
    • If you are referencing existing Secrets or ConfigMaps in your Kubernetes cluster, the env object key will be your secret name, and the value will be a Kubernetes reference object. fieldRef, secretKeyRef, and configMapKeyRef are accepted. resourceFieldRef is technically supported but not advised, since resources are not generally specified for Brigade jobs.
    • Example:
      myJob.env = {
        myOneOffSecret: "secret value",
        myConfigReference: {
          configMapKeyRef: {
            name: "my-configmap",
            key: "my-configmap-key"
        mySecretReference: {
          secretKeyRef: {
            name: "my-secret",
            key: "my-secret-key"

It is common to pass data from the e.env Event object into the Job object as is appropriate:

events.push = function(e) {
  j = new Job("example");
  j.env = { DB_PASSWORD: project.secrets.dbPassword };

The above will make $DB_PASSWORD available to the “example” job’s runtime.


  • run(): Run this job and wait for it to exit.
  • background(): Run this job in the background.
  • wait(): Wait for a backgrounded job to complete.

The Repository Class

The Repository class describes a project’s VCS repository (if provided).

  • name: string: The name of the repo (org/name)
  • cloneURL: string: The URL that the VCS software can use to clone the repository.